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Navarro Middle School

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Student Resources

Student Research Databases

Icon of EBSCOhost database service with logo on a blue glossy background. EBSCOhost Research Databases

Hundreds of thousands of resources, EBSCOhost connects students and teachers with EBSCOhost and Student Research Center. These two databases provide full text periodicals, full text biographies, primary source documents, essays, encyclopedias, almanacs, reference books, pamphlets, newspapers, transcripts, photos, maps.

Logo of "CultureGrams" with a dark blue background and white lettering. CultureGrams

Used for geographical and cultural references, both in the world and in the individual states in the US

  Science Online

Offers a comprehensive, curriculum-oriented overview of a broad range of scientific disciplines in a variety of useful formats. The accessible content is organized by subject area and type of resource, as well as by national and state science education standards

Logo of "maps101" with green stylized text and a superscript "®" symbol.

Maps101 - Printable Maps - Current Events

An online map and geography learning resource center including more than 4,000 easy-to-print maps, daily and weekly current events articles, and dynamic interactive mapping features and satellite imagery.


Book Finder for Kids:

Bookseer website here

AR Book link here


Logo of "GALE In Context: Elementary" featuring a blue owl and text on an orange background.

Kids InfoBits
Kids InfoBits is content-rich, authoritative, easy-to-use. and features age-appropriate, reliable, and perfect for today's young learners. Its curriculum-related content covers a broad range of educational topics via a modern, graphical interface. The design helps kids explore the product and gain comfort with database searching. Kids InfoBits addresses the way kids learn and conduct research – and makes it fun!


Logo of "GALE Presents National Geographic Kids" with orange and green design elements.

National Geographic Kids
Reputable, authoritative, and appropriate content that brings children aged 6-14 the world in a way they've never seen it before. Fun and substantive, National Geographic Kids will take them on amazing adventures in science, nature, culture, archaeology, and space.


Banner for "Gale In Context: Middle School" featuring two students and a tutor with a laptop.

Research In Context
Gale’s Research In Context is designed specifically for middle school-aged researchers. Research In Context covers the most-studied topics like culture, government, people, U.S. and world history, literature and more, via engaging reference, periodical, and multimedia content. 


Logo of "Gale In Context: Science" featuring DNA helix and microscope imagery.

Science In Context
Gale’s Science In Context is an engaging online resource providing contextual information on hundreds of today's most significant science topics. By integrating authoritative, curriculum-aligned reference content with headlines and videos, Science In Context draws researchers into the subject matter, showing how scientific disciplines relate to real-world issues, from weather patterns to obesity.


Banner for "Gale In Context: High School" featuring two students using a computer.

Student Resources In Context
Student Resources In Context is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on a wide array of subjects. The solution merges Gale's authoritative and continuously updated reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience.